
Welcome to EUREOS Library, the online learning platform developed by EUREOS, the European Consortium of Eosinophilic Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract, to promote, share, and evaluate all teaching and educational activities developed by our Society on eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases (EGID)

EoE and EGID are chronic, usually lifelong diseases associated with persistent or recurrent symptoms in children, adolescents and adults that decreased quality of life, associate substantial morbidity and may cause complications. Delays in accurate diagnosis and initiation of treatment in EoE and EGID are common and associated with worsened quality of life for patients and families and a high use of health resources.

Despite a sharply increased epidemiology in the last decade, these diseases are still underdiagnosed entities in many settings, and a significant diagnostic delay has been described for patients suffering from it. EoE generates in patients a marked deterioration in health-related quality of life and its care represents significant costs for health systems.

To raise awareness on EoE and other EGID, EUREOS has the goals to consolidate as the reference organization among health professionals from different disciplines, specialties and care levels (primary health care and specialized care) to provide the best knowledge on this group of diseases in benefit of patient’s health and well-being.

What is EUREOS Library

EUREOS has developed a dedicated Education section to spread and share state-of-the-art knowledge on EoE and other EGIDs. The high-quality and updated scientific content produced by EUREOS members, groups and committees consists of courses, symposia, webinars and podcasts that cover all aspects of EoE, EGID and concomitant diseases. Our growing contents allows you to keep up-to date on all aspects of.

EUREOS Library allows to gain CME accreditation through specific modules offered, after completing a teaching and to check the achievement of learning goals .

The EUREOS Library makes it possible to gain CME accreditation through the specific modules offered, after completing the learning activity and verifying the achievement of the learning objectives.


To whom are the EUREOS Library training and educational activities addressed?

Due to the cross-sectional nature of the EoE and the other EGIDs, and the involvement of different professional profiles in the care and attention of patients, EUREOS Library provides education for both primary care practitioners and several medical and healthcare specialists, as well as basic and clinical researchers interested in digestive disorders involving eosinophils.

Our courses are suitable for gastroenterologists, pediatricians, allergists, ENT specialists, and specialists working in digestive endoscopy, regardless of their familiarity with EoE. In addition, the course is aimed at primary care family doctors and pediatricians, as well as nurses, dieticians and nutritionists, and researchers interested in this disease.

Likewise, gastroenterologists, allergists and pediatricians in training are welcome, as well as medical students in advanced years interested in these specialties.


All educational activities in EUREOS Library are freely available after registration in the website

All related CME accreditation is available free of charge