EUREOS library Objectives


General objective

To provide updated knowledge and critical debates on different aspects of eosinophilic esophagitis, 3 decades after the description and characterization of the disease as a distinctive clinico-pathological syndrome.

The contents have been prepared based on the best evidence, and address a historical review of the disease by the authors of the original reports on it, an interactive presentation of complex clinical cases, aimed at highlighting the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties that many patients still represent, and a conference on current advances in the knowledge of the disease and the most important aspects that must be addressed in the future for the best care of patients.

Specific objectives

1.- To know the scientific and healthcare environment in which the concept of eosinophilic esophagitis as its own disease appeared.

2.- To understand the difficulties associated with the paradigm shift that the description of this disease represented

3.- To recognize the most important research groups over the past 3 decades in the development of knowledge about the disease

4.- To know the different advances in the identification of cases, definition of diagnostic criteria and proposal of treatment alternatives.

5.- To understand the differences in the clinical presentation of EoE in patients of different ages

6.- To know the pathologies that require a differential diagnosis with EoE

7.- To describe the decision process in selecting the most appropriate treatments for each patient based on particular characteristics.

8.- To Understand the need for a multidisciplinary approach to EoE in complex cases.

9.- To analyze the keys behind the growing epidemiology of EoE

10.- To propose strategies to understand the growing impact that dysphagia and food impingement have for the patient and health systems from a multidimensional vision.

11.- To presents advances in knowledge of the pathophysiology of the disease and how they could impact treatment.

12.- To propose measures to improve diagnosis and optimize initial treatment of patients

13.- To understand the complexity of maintaining treatment adherence in a chronic disease and propose ways to address it

  1. -To understand the approach to continued treatment in a chronic disease and analyze measures to accelerate the development of new therapy options